The work in the vineyard is carried out according to the basic principles of organic cultivation and permaculture.
The soil cultivation and the construction of humus is carried out by green fertilization and deep-rooted sowing between the rows of vines and by mixing with our own compost, which we have obtained mainly from the sheep manure of our 1200 merino sheep.
Before the young shoots are exonerating, we also let the sheep graze in the vineyard, which leads to a natural fertilization and loosening of the soil through their hooves.
In order to channel the water into the vineyard, we have created ramparts to stop the erosion and to direct the water that runs downhill into the vineyard – all by natural means, because we have more than enough stones and slate…
They provide retreats for salamanders and other small animals, as well as breeding opportunities for hatch wasps, the natural enemies of the grape cicadas.
To promote biodiversity, we have planted indigenous plants at the end of each row of vines (e.g. Medronho, pomegranate, oleander, wild olives,…).
Also on the edges of the vineyard and the areas that naturally arise in the landscape, we have planted rows of trees made of pines, oleanders, etc., which serve as “windbreakers” and thus prevent the dehydration of the soil and removal of humus (in addition to the promotion of biodiversity).
With all these measures, we want to create a healthy soil with healthy vines for the best grape quality.