Bioweine aus Portugal


In the area of Vale de Camelos we have carried out various afforestation projects. Former dried-up cereal areas were planted with indigenous trees (carob trees, holm oaks, pines, cork oaks, olives). Over the years, more than 600 hectares of new forest areas have been created.
We are still reforesting more areas, the last replanting of 33Ha of cork oaks and pine trees was completed in 2016.

Greening and forestation form organic matter and improve the H2O household of the soil, thereby buffering extreme heat levels.
As a result, the microclimate and biodiversity have changed significantly in recent years.

Overview of afforestation over the last 30 years:

Holm oaks 200 ha +/- 180,000 plants
Carob trees 260 ha +/- 50,000 plants
Cork oaks 30 ha +/- 32,000 plants
Pines 20 ha +/- 30,000 plants
Olives 80 ha +/- 18,000 plants
Eucalyptus +/- 10 ha +/- 3,000 plants
Different species 4 ha +/- 2,500 plants
Wine 30 ha  
Sowing +/- 350 ha  
Total afforestation +/- 600 ha +/- 315,500 plants


Thema von Anders Norén